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Shenzhen Taili practicing the "extended producer responsibility system implementation plan" claims

Release Time:2018/1/11 Page View:3533

September 20-21, in Hangzhou, as the "low carbon economy pioneers" of Shenzhen City Taili Waste Battery Recycling Technology Co. Ltd., was invited to participate in the 2017 China power battery industry forum "boutique industry summit, Shenzhen Taili waste battery recycling technology limited company chairman Zhang Yongxiang, as the last a final guest of the forum, made a keynote speech" the construction of "waste battery recycling system under the system of extended producer responsibility.

Chairman Zhang mainly from the following five aspects of the demonstration to share, and called for the power battery manufacturers and users, it is necessary to achieve the reuse of resources, but also does not cause environmental pollution, green mountains and rivers for future generations to leave.

1, From the rapid development of new energy vehicle industry in recent years, the number of power battery scrap is also increasing. The pressure of scrap batteries on environmental protection and resource reuse is increasing. In 2015, the total output of lithium battery in China is 47.13GW, and according to the prediction, by 2020, the demand for power lithium battery will reach 125GW, and its scrapping amount will reach 32.3GW, about 500 thousand tons, and by 2023, the amount of scrap will reach 1 million 160 thousand tons.

2, January 3, 2017, the general office of the State Council issued the implementation plan of extended producer responsibility system, which explicitly implemented the extended producer responsibility system for four industries, including electric vehicles. At the same time, the plan clarifies the related responsibilities of producers, and extends the producer's responsibility for resources and environment from production to product lifecycle, such as product design, circulation consumption, recycling and waste disposal. That is to say, the power battery manufacturers should make full life cycle control of the green cycle and low carbon development of batteries from the aspects of ecological design, recycled raw materials, standardized recycling and information disclosure.

3, "extended producer responsibility system implementation plan" for automotive products and battery recycling put forward special requirements, and requirements of the Ministry of industry and information technology, quality inspection administration is responsible for playing at the end of 2017, complete the establishment of electric vehicle power battery system and life cycle encoding product traceability system, and establish a recycling system of electric vehicle battery utilization, improve laws and regulations standard, strict supervision of law enforcement. By learning from the experience of developed countries such as the United States, Japan and Germany, we will improve the supervision and monitoring of the production, utilization and recovery of battery manufacturers in China.

4, To strengthen the construction of waste battery recycling system, there are mainly three aspects: 1, produce labeled batteries, enter the retail stores through consumers, and then recover through specialized recycling companies. 2, scrap batteries into the recovery place special by enterprises and institutions, and transported to the tlen recycling company etc.. 3, in environmental awareness, through social environmental activities, organized to the recycling company to visit, to enhance people's awareness of environmental protection.

5, Tlen battery recycling system, mainly through the training, advocacy, requirements for battery manufacturers in the battery production and shipment, mark hit on cycle identification Taila, during use, we were back recovery by marking, or call toll free 4008886821 and the network scan code, we will timely battery recycling. Back the battery, dismantling, sorting, cascade through our professional use of patented technology, finally scrapped or battery pole piece, we again by calcination, extraction, purification, synthesis technology, the raw material resources available battery recycling times.

Zhang, wonderful speech sound, by the praise of the delegates, after the meeting, many delegates and the chairman of the exchange name card Zhang also made after the analysis and discussion of the deeper, said the company's optimistic recovery and praise and hope that the cooperation of Taila battery.